Monday, May 28, 2012

Farfalle with Beets and Parsley Pesto

I don't think I would have ever made this recipe if I hadn't first watched someone else make it.  Strangely enough my television program of choice while at the gym is the Food Network. We don't have cable so it seems like quite the treat (no pun intended, I just can't think of another phrase) to watch people create amazing food.  And it reminds me why I work out.  So that I can eat more.

We had this for dinner and everyone loved it.  I am posting the link to her recipe.  The only changes I made included reducing the amount of olive oil in the pesto to 1/4 cup, and using flat leaf instead of curly parsley.  You can make this in steps too, so you could make the beets and vinaigrette in the morning and keep in your fridge and just reheat it before adding it to the pasta and parsley pesto.

I didn't add my beet greens because they looked sad and smelled like a wet dog.  I'm going to add arugula tomorrow when we have this for lunch, but it is good with just the pasta, beets and pesto.

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