Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dessert in 30 seconds or less.

I realize I am odd and normal people do not have chocolate ganache and mascarpone cheese in their fridge on a regular basis, but you should because then you can make this crazy easy amazingly good dessert. You also need dried figs. Here's how it works:

Take a fig and slice it lengthwise. I use brown Turkish figs because I think they taste the best. But that's just me.

Take a scoop of ganache and put it on your plate or in a bowl. Take a scoop of mascarpone cheese and mix it into the ganache. Put a large dollop on each fig half. Pop the entire thing in your mouth and close your eyes. It's that good.

1 comment:

Loren and Tama said...

sounds delicious. But where do you find those ingredients?